Euan Scott Profile Pic

Hiya 👋, I'm Euan Scott

Intermediate Software Engineer at Payflex.

Outside of my day job, I am an outgoing and compassionate person who enjoys connecting with others. I like to spend my time outdoors, be it going for a hike or my favorite, walking on the beach while eating ice-cream.

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Building Mobile Apps for companies like Old Mutual, Discovery and award-winning apps such as My Pregnancy Journey.

Download my resumé here.


Core Competencies: Native Android, Kotlin, Flutter, Dart, Bitrise, Github Automations
Additional Experience: Spring, Firebase, Ionic, Angular, Java
Familiar Technologies: Node.js, C#, DotNet, AppFlow
Currently Learning: Native iOS, Swift


Bachelor of Information Science (Multimedia) - University of Pretoria, 2017